Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exchange Limited

Information about company: address, status, contacts, company type.



Address no data

Phone/Fax number no data

Web-site no data

E-mail no data


Company Name(CN) 當代中國名家書畫交流有限公司

Company Type Private company limited by shares

Active Status Live

Date of Incorporation 2013-11-18

Remarks -

Winding Up Mode -

Date of Dissolution -

Register of Charges Unavailable

Important Note -

Name History 2013-11-18
Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exchange Limited

Summary info

Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exchange Limited (當代中國名家書畫交流有限公司) is a company incorporated on 2013-11-18 in Hong Kong. It's general status is Live.

Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exchange Limited on the map

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